Computer Programmer Job Description Information

The job of a computer programmer is mainly to bring a computer simulation or a video game to life for the user making sure that everything is functioning correctly. Computer programmers also work for different business’s making sure that all of their software is functioning properly.  Because of the fact that the internet and the ingenuity of cell phones is constantly expanding, there is a lot more work to be done for computer programmers.
Since more and more computer programmers are becoming more self-employed, there are a lot of software companies, banks, insurance companies, the government, universities, engineering firms, hospitals, telecommunications companies and office equipment manufacturers who are starting to hire computer programmers to work for them.
The duties and responsibilities of a computer programmer is of course programming and coding. The way that they accomplish this task is they start by turning step by step instructions and commands for a specific program into a language that the computers are going to understand so that they can run the program. All programmers have the duty of writing up and designing programs based on the plans given to them by software engineers and system analysts. A lot of testing has to be done after all the coding and programming has been done for the program so that it works perfectly. Programmers also engage in changing up the codes for already written programs so that they are up to date with new features. They repair damaged programs, they make changes to a program and they greaten the capability of computer programs as well.
There are two mainly different types of computer programmers where there are those who create applications and those who create systems. Programmers who focus on applications create and write up the coding for certain programs or businesses that need their skills in that area. Programmers that specialize in systems write up the coding for central operating systems that control a lot of different computers, printers and other equipment that is working to maintain a big network of computers performing many tasks all at once.
There is becoming little difference between computer programmers and software engineers due to the fact that there are more advanced and automated programming functions that both programmers and engineers are learning. Because of this fact there are a lot of programmers who are assisting engineers and helping them to design and determine what users want to see and use in the program. To work as a computer programmer you need to have a strong concept of analytical thinking, and you have to be good at problem solving when it comes to paying attention to certain details. All computer programmers should be knowledgeable of all the aspects and factors they need to assess to do their job like they need to understand financing for banks and they need to know art for those programs that are in graphic design.
A lot of computer programmers work in an office, and a lot of them will be working self-employed in a certain location. The programs that are very large and those programs that take years to build need a team of computer programmers, and this why it is important to know how to work on a team. Programmers are recommended to take breaks due to the fact that they are staring at a computer screen for hours creating a program, and of course doing this can lead to serious health issues.
Because of the fact that competition for employment for programmers is becoming more stiff, having a bachelor’s degree and experience in programming is the best for seeking employment as a programmer. There are a lot of programming languages that are used these days such as C++, Python, COBOL, Prolog, Java and Visual Basic is another one. It is recommended to have experience in all of these languages. Being knowledgeable of database systems like DB2, Oracle and Sybase is also recommended for programmers seeking employment. The subjects that most programmers major in are mathematics, computer science and also information systems. The way that programmers receive their certification is by showcasing their skills in various languages or specific software.
The amount of men and women employed as programmers in the United States is extremely expected to decline by about 3% between the years of 2008 and 2018 because of the fact that so much advanced automation and programming tools have become created. A lot of programmers are seeking outsourcing jobs from foreign countries due to the fact that not a lot is required for employment. Technology in computers is always changing which is why programmers have to stay competitive. The salary range for programmers, according to 2008, is $60,000 to $82,000.